Return and refund policy
Return within 30 days

While we try our best to deliver high-quality products that satisfy your needs, there could be instances where our products mismatch your expectations. In this case, you may return the purchased item within 30 days after receipt of the order. To initiate a return, please contact us at, and once your request is processed, you will receive a return shipment label from us.

We accept returns of new and unused products in the original packaging with any labels and tags still attached, which shall be accompanied by a return form. It is your responsibility to properly pack the products for return.

Upon receiving the returned item, it will be inspected for any signs of use or damage. The refund may take 5-7 working days after we process the returned product. The refund will be paid to the account you used for the purchase.

For orders of Moiloc products made on other platforms, return policies of the platform of purchase apply.

Return after 30 days

To further uphold our dedication to customer satisfaction and accommodate unforeseen circumstances that may have prevented an earlier return, returns beyond the 30-day period are also possible, subject to terms and conditions. Each case will be handled individually to ensure personalised attention and fair resolution. Please find the general procedure outlined below.

To request a return after the 30-day return period has passed, please contact us at at your earliest convenience. Our representative will get in touch and assist you with the process. Videos and photos showing the condition of the product may be required in order to facilitate your request.

Once we have confirmed your return, you may proceed with shipping the product back. Please retain your proof of shipment until your return has been received and processed by us. Please retain your proof of shipment until your return has been received and processed by us. Upon its arrival, the product will be inspected by our experts for any signs of use or damage.

Based on the assessment results, we will notify you about the acceptance of the return and details on any potential reimbursement of the return shipment fee, as well as the applicable refund for the portion of the price the product was sold for. Alternatively, we also offer repair services. For more information, please refer to our warranty policy.